Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I FINALLY did it!

Over the last few months I've been reading and re-reading about people making homemade laundry soap.  I've been wanting to try it - but wasn't so sure if I wanted to spend the $$ to test it out.  Well, I broke down and bought the goods last night at Meijer.  It set me back a whole whopping $8.50.  Not too bad - about what I would usually spend at Sam's Club for my HUGE jug of detergent...

Here are the 3 items you will need to make your soap - Ivory (I've also read that you can use Zote or Fels Naptha... just needs to be a pure bar soap), washing soda, and Borax.  I found the two boxes of stuff in the laundry isle... the soap of course by the health and beauty items.

My lovely grated Ivory... I used all three bars....

Then mix in a bowl - I added 2 cups Borax and 2 cups washing soda to the Ivory.  Thankfully the shreds of Ivory broke up a bit more... I was worried they were too big...

Here is the finished product... all set and ready to go!  This should last at least 6 months - we'll see.  You only need 1-2 Tablespoons depending on the size of your loads.  This can be used in front load washers also as it doesn't get the massive suds action that "regular" laundry soap does.  

Too bad I did all the laundry on Monday - I don't have enough for a full load yet.  I really want to try it out... I'll be disappointed if it's a bust.  

On a side note - the box of borax and the box of washing soda are still at least 3/4's full!  This stuff is going to be around for a LONG time!!!!

I'll keep you all posted on what happens!!!!


  1. OK, you may have inspired me to try it. That looks so easy and it lasts forever! Um, and I LOVE, LOVE the container...a girl after my own heart.

  2. i did the container while waiting for ian to be done at school. you inspired me miss Kelli with your totally cute crayon container the other day! now i'm going to be shopping for cheapo alphabet stickers non-stop to label everything with! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing your "recipe", I'll be anxious to hear how it works!
    Love the jar too!

  4. I'm two steps away from a label maker!
