As many of my friends know, I bake when I'm stressed or bored. Today I am both - I hate having sickness in the house. Makes me crazy. So today, we baked some YUMMY Lemon Zucchini Muffins. They are SOOOO good with that hint of lemon. I thought I would share the process (and recipe) will all of my followers :)....
To start - preheat your oven at 325...
You can either make muffins (mini-muffins for Reese's lunch in our case today) or 2 bread loaves. Don't forget to grease your pans... at let the bread bake for around 45 minutes. Muffins take less time - I'd check them after 10 minutes... but it usually takes longer...
The finished product... YUMMY!! Jake has been BEGGING all day for them... I guess it does have some vegetable in it... maybe I should let him eat more!
That was the excitement for our day. HOPEFULLY Ian will be back to school tomorrow... he NEEDS to be for MY sanity!! I also got 2 walls of Jake's room painted... but I'm not sharing pics of that until the project is finished!!!