Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Day in the life...

After SO much pressure from a few people (who shall remain nameless unless they decide to "come out")... I've decided to start a blog.  Not that my life is interesting or exciting... just typical.  I guess that's a good thing...

We have 3 kids - as you can probably figure out by my "title".  They're quite a bunch... they drive me crazy most days.  Today is a good day - sort of.  So far I've learned that I should never try to paint my 3 year olds bedroom when he wants to help and that my 5 year old FREAKS at the sight of blood.  It's early yet.... I'm sure we'll have more drama.  Just wait until the daughter gets home from school.... 

Anywho - time will tell how this blogging thing works out... 


  1. OH my! I can't even tell you how excited I am! I'm a little giggly!

  2. I gave you an award. You have to go to my blog and see.
