Grandpa is devastated. He feels as though he isn't caring for her because he is not with her. He tried to see her last week - fell and broke his hip. A couple of weeks ago he "sprang" her from the nursing facility she is in against doctor's orders. His reason - it was a beautiful day and "I wanted to go for a drive with my wife".
The reason I am sharing this with all of you.... in today's society love is so misunderstood. When you love someone... you do ANYTHING for them. Grandpa and grandma haven't always had it easy. Life was tough for so many years - but they persevered through it all. Love was enough.
The other day I was reading our local paper - the section that lists the names of people petitioning for divorces, receiving divorces, and marriage licenses. It broke my heart to see the list of names in the divorce section was SIGNIFICANTLY longer than the list of marriage licenses.
It's such a great challenge to live up to the example that grandpa and grandma's marriage has been. When they are both gone from this world, the legacy they leave behind is priceless. I hope one day that my grandchildren will say the same about my relationship with Andy...
Right now we're trying to figure out how grandpa and grandma can spend these last few moments together. Their lives are so deeply intertwined - it only seems right to let them just be together. They have true love... through thick and thin. What an AWESOME example to the world...